ASWO Convention
The Allegheny Synodical Women’s Organization Board and Convention Planning Committee invite you to attend the Thirty-fourth Annual Convention on Saturday, October 21, 2023. Registration will begin at 8:30. We will gather at Newry Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1030 Shamrock Lane, Newry, PA The theme for the day is “The Old is Gone, The New is Here.”
We convene once yearly to conduct the business of the ASWO. The agenda for the convention will be similar to last year. We are planning a half day convention. We will enjoy a hot breakfast and then move on to the worship and business meeting. There will be no workshops.
Each affiliated unit is encouraged to send a voting member, formerly called a delegate, who will attend the business meeting and vote on issues affecting our synodical unit. The future of the Allegheny Synodical Women’s Organization will be decided. This year we need to elect a president, vice-president, treasurer, and three board members. It is getting increasingly difficult to find women willing to take on these leadership rolls. We ask for your help in recruiting qualified women to fill these positions. If not, we may have no choice but to dissolve the organization. Carol McClure is chair of the nominating committee. Please feel free to contact her if you are interested in any of these openings. Her phone number is (814) 695-6904.
We invite all women of the Allegheny Synod to attend the convention whether you have an affiliated women’s group or not. The convention is a time for you to take advantage of learning about the Women of the ELCA, worship, and lots of fellowship with your sisters in Christ from across the Allegheny Synod.
It is our hope that you will come and be a part of this annual gathering and help us celebrate 34 years of Women of the ELCA.
In this newsletter you will find three different forms to complete. One sheet is the Registration Form. All persons attending the convention must register and pay the $15 registration fee. Also, you will find a form for the Voting Member from your unit. Each Voting Member must fill out this form. There is also a Nomination Form. Anyone willing to fill any of the positions on the board should complete both sides of the Nomination Form. All forms are due October 2, 2023.
You notice that the fee for attending the 2022 ASWO Convention is $15. We hope that this will encourage more women to attend.
Allegheny Synodical Women’s Organization
Thirty-fourth Annual Convention Newry Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1030 Shamrock Lane, Newry, PA Saturday, October 21, 2023 – Registration Begins at 8:30 a.m. REGISTRATION FORM (Please complete a separate form for each person attending. Make copies as needed.) ALL REGISTRATIONS ARE DUE OCTOBER 2, 2023 Name (First) (Last) Mailing Address CITY____________________ STATE _______ ZIP_________ TELEPHONE _________________ EMAIL_______________________ Congregation Cong. #________ City ____________________________________ Conference ______________________ Check all categories that apply to registrant: ____Voting Member____ Alt. Voting Member____ Guest____ Officer ____Board ____First Time Attendee Registration fee $15.00 Please send check or money order (payable to Allegheny SWO) to the Registrar: Donna College 188 Graybill Rd Osterburg, PA 16667 Specify any dietary restrictions/special needs _____________________ I am willing to serve in worship as: ____Reader ___Acolyte, ____Usher, or _____as needed |