Church Council

St. James Evangelical Lutheran Congregation accepts the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired Word of God and the authoritative source and norm of its proclamation, faith, and life.  This congregation accepts the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian Creeds as true declarations of the faith of this congregation.

The powers of this congregation are vested in the Congregation Meeting called and conducted as provided by its constitution and bylaws. Only such authority as is delegated to the Congregation Council or other organizational units in this congregation’s governing documents is recognized.

The Congregational Council consists of the pastor, the officers of the congregation and members of the congregation, elected (except the pastor) at a called meeting of the congregation.  The Congregation Council shall have general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation, particularly its worship life and done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.


Council Members 2024:

Mark Hoover-President

Robin Kessler-Vice President

Evelyn Holsinger-Secretary

Ralph Grove-Treasurer

Betty Boslet

Sharon Lightner

Shirley Manbeck

Mike Savino

Diane Shultz

Bill Wilt

Donna Wilt